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doc icon DUGiDocs 27 març 2014 Development of analytical methodologies for the assessment of odorous and fragrance compounds in wastewater treatment plants Godayol Boix, Anna
doc icon DUGiDocs 21 novembre 2014 Development of analytical methodologies for the determination of emerging contaminants and phosphorus compounds Valls Cantenys, Carme
out url icon Recercat Development of analytical methodologies for the determination of emerging contaminants and phosphorus compounds Valls Cantenys, Carme
out url icon DUGiDocs 29 juliol 2022 Development of an environmental decision support system to enhance coagulation in drinking water treatment plants Suquet Masó, Jordi
out url icon Recercat Development of an Epidermal Growth Factor Derivative with EGFR Blocking Activity Panosa, Clara ; Tebar, Francesc ; Ferrer-Batallé, Montserrat ; Fonge, Humphrey ; Seno, Masaharu ; Reilly, Raymond M ; Massaguer i Vall-llovera, Anna ; Llorens Duran, Rafael de
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 Development of an Epidermal Growth Factor Derivative with EGFR Blocking Activity Panosa Roqueta, Clara ; Tebar, Francesc ; Ferrer-Batallé, Montserrat ; Fonge, Humphrey ; Seno, Masaharu ; Reilly, Raymond M ; Massaguer i Vall-llovera, Anna ; Llorens Duran, Rafael de
out url icon Recercat Development of an Epidermal Growth Factor Derivative with EGFR Blocking Activity Panosa Roqueta, Clara ; Tebar, Francesc ; Ferrer-Batallé, Montserrat ; Fonge, Humphrey ; Seno, Masaharu ; Reilly, Raymond M ; Massaguer i Vall-llovera, Anna ; Llorens Duran, Rafael de
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Development of an Epidermal Growth Factor Derivative with EGFR Blocking Activity
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Development of an Epidermal Growth Factor Derivative with EGFR Blocking Activity Panosa Roqueta, Clara ; Tebar, Francesc ; Ferrer-Batallé, Montserrat ; Fonge, Humphrey ; Seno, Masaharu ; Reilly, Raymond M ; Massaguer i Vall-llovera, Anna ; Llorens Duran, Rafael de
out url icon Recercat Development, implementation and evaluation of an activated sludge supervisory system for the Granollers WWTP Comas Matas, Joaquim
doc icon DUGiDocs 14 desembre 2000 Development, implementation and evaluation of an activated sludge supervisory system for the Granollers WWTP Comas Matas, Joaquim
doc icon DUGiDocs 8 febrer 2021 Development of strategies for waste valorisation in waste water treatment plants (WWTPS): Consorci Besòs Tordera case study Palma Heredia, David
out url icon DUGiDocs 24 octubre 2024 Development of three-dimensional electrochemical systems for the degradation of persistent contaminants and disinfection Norra, Giannis-Florjan
doc icon DUGiDocs novembre 2017 Dienogest versus ethinylestradiol/dienogest in patients with secondary dysmenorrhea due to clinical diagnosis of ovarian endometriosis: a multicentric, prospective, controlled study Marañés Azulay, Raquel Rebeca
out url icon Recercat The difference between energy consumption and energy cost: Modelling energy tariff structures for water resource recovery facilities Aymerich, I. ; Rieger, L. ; Sobhani, R. ; Rosso, D. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís
out url icon Recercat The difference between energy consumption and energy cost: Modelling energy tariff structures for water resource recovery facilities Aymerich, I. ; Rieger, L. ; Sobhani, R. ; Rosso, D. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís
out url icon Recercat The difference between energy consumption and energy cost: Modelling energy tariff structures for water resource recovery facilities Aymerich, I. ; Rieger, L. ; Sobhani, R. ; Rosso, D. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 The difference between energy consumption and energy cost: Modelling energy tariff structures for water resource recovery facilities
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 The difference between energy consumption and energy cost: Modelling energy tariff structures for water resource recovery facilities Aymerich, I. ; Rieger, L. ; Sobhani, R. ; Rosso, D. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 The difference between energy consumption and energy cost: Modelling energy tariff structures for water resource recovery facilities Aymerich, I. ; Rieger, L. ; Sobhani, R. ; Rosso, D. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís
doc icon DUGiDocs 15 setembre 2015 The difference between energy consumption and energy cost: Modelling energy tariff structures for water resource recovery facilities Aymerich Blazquez, Ignasi ; Rieger, L. ; Sobhani, R. ; Rosso, D. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís
doc icon DUGiDocs 2019 Dignity therapy in palliative care: a bibliographic review Molina Calle, Mariona
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2013 Disseny d’una planta de tractament d’aigües per a una indústria de tractaments superficials per mètodes electrolítics Ayala Pastor, Ernest
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2012 Disseny, automatització i telecontrol d’una EBAR Simó Elias, Oscar
out url icon Recercat Disseny, automatització i telecontrol d’una EBAR Simó Elias, Oscar
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